Registered user since Sun 9 Jul 2017
Marco Manna is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at University of Calabria, where he has been also a member of the Scientific Board of the PhD programme since 2012. Currently, he teaches both “Theoretical Computer Science” and “Web 2.0 - Interactive and Multichannel Technologies”. He received the Master Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Calabria in May 2005. In February 2009, he received a PhD in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Calabria. Before that, in 2008, Marco Manna was a visiting PhD student at the Oxford University Computing Laboratory and at the Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance. From 2009 to 2011, he was a Research Fellow in Computer Science at the University of Calabria. Subsequently, in 2012, he was also a Research Assistant in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. Form 2012 to 2016 he was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Calabria. Since 2006, he has been involved in a number of (national and international) projects on Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Logic, and Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval. In particular, he was (2013 - 2015) workpackage leader in KnowRex: Un sistema per il riconoscimento e l’estrazione di conoscenza (POR Calabria FESR 2007-2013), and (2010 - 2015) external collaborator in DIADEM: Domain-centric Intelligent Automated Data Extraction Methodology (European project FP7/ERC). He has been PC member of AAAI-18, IJCAI-17, IJCAI-16, and IJCAI-15, as well as a reviewer for Artificial Intelligence Journal since 2013.
Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages
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