Registered user since Sat 12 Jul 2014
Name:Mathias Payer
Mathias Payer is a security researcher and an assistant professor in computer science at Purdue university, leading the HexHive group. He is interested in system and software security. His research focuses on protecting applications in the presence of vulnerabilities, with a focus on memory corruption, control-flow hijacking, and type confusion. Before joining Purdue in 2014, he spent two years as PostDoc in Dawn Song’s BitBlaze group at UC Berkeley. He graduated from ETH Zurich with a Dr. sc. ETH in 2012. In 2014, he founded the b01lers Purdue CTF team. All implementation prototypes from his group are open-source.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Purdue University
Personal website: https://nebelwelt.net/
Research interests:system security, runtime systems, secure compilation, binary translation, virtualization
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